Monday, January 11, 2010

Rudy Giuliani's moment of genius. Check link below for a good laugh (or cry).

As we all know, President Bush struck fear into the hearts of terrorists; his iron stance against their terroristic ways and his adamant intolerance of their activities completely and solely were the causes of the absolute absence of domestic attacks under his glorious reign. Clearly, President Obama, being soft on terrorism like the bleeding-heart liberal that he is, does not instill the same fear into these criminal elements. As such, hardly a year into his regime, there has already been one domestic attack!

The shoebomber, the anthrax scare, the DC sniper, and--oh, yes, 9/11--were random accidents. In fact, one might even say they were natural disasters. Rudy Giuliani would know--his entire campaign was based on "I was there when 9/11 happened."

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