Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brothers! Fight this injustice!

In today's world of equality, harmony, acceptance, and all that fun stuff, perhaps we should address something that has long eluded the jurisdiction of the spirit of fairness.

I am, of course, referring to the First Move, traditionally assigned to guys.

Woman, of course, should be afforded all rights and privileges given to men; in fact, to make up for all the time that they could not enjoy the roles traditionally enjoyed by men. In the spirit of affirmitive action or whatever, a total gender role reversal might even be in order. I hereby propose that men do the cooking and laundry, and women do the asking out.

There is one pioneer in this field, who's dearest desire is to be a househusband. Congratulations to you for being such a revolutionary. You know who you are.

Also, I propose a varsity women's football team. That way, there can be more men's varsity sports that get funding. Like volleyball.

PS: Anybody want to share a "couple's ticket" for the AASA formal?

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