Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yale Vs Harvard

An unofficial compilation:

0) Harvard student production:
Yale student production:
1) Harvard students think so:
2) When you search "Why Harvard is better than Yale" you get many results that say "Why Yale is better than Harvard" including the link above.
3) Yale has its own forest
4) With a mascot named "Handsome Dan," what does that say about the students?
5) Harvard doesn't even have a real mascot
6) Yale is a smaller school--more intimacy!
7) In terms of football:
8) A very thorough post:
9) True story:
10) Yale has a less confusing, less noisy, more beautiful campus
11) The campus is also smaller, and so you have to travel less between classes/activities
12) VERY easy to do research at Yale--basically, you just go to a professor and ask! (You may be turned down, but there's really no complicated process.)
13) Yale is pretty much Hogwarts. 'Nuff said.
14) New Haven has a HUGE variety of ethnic foods from all over the world. And even fast food if you want it.
15) Late night snack bars. Greasy, and delicious.
16) Yale, when anagramed, becomes Lyae, which is probably some lost language's equivalent of "awesome."
17) Not nearly as cold, but with enough snowfall to be fun!
18) Weeklong Thanksgiving break, and no finals in the middle of winter break.
19) According to one Yale student, "I have tighter connections with Harvard professors than Harvard students have with the same professors." This was because he was introduced to a couple through a Yale professor. An exaggeration, probably, but enlightening.
20) George W. Bush may have gone to Yale for undergrad, but he went to Harvard Business School to get his MBA after being rejected from UT-Austin's law school. Which goes to show, Yale taught him how to party--but Harvard taught him how to ruin the economy.

This is a pretty hasty list. But, I think, objectively and unbiasedly, true.